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About Us


Rashaan Foster, MABC, CNP, CNE, CDE, CNC formed Foster Grants and Giving Inc. in May 2015. As a Guidance Counselor and Administrator of a significantly underfunded, poverty-stricken, and single-parent household school, Mr. Foster desperately needed more resources to fully serve his students in need. Without the proper budget and lack of support, Rashaan could not stand by idly and let his students suffer. That being said, Mr. Foster decided to focus on getting his school and students funding for materials, college counseling supplies, and programs through grant writing. Rashaan Foster started performing Guidance Counseling services beyond the scope of most private school Guidance counselors. He got unheard results that saved hundreds of underserved students’ lives and gave them an opportunity to go to college and become productive citizens. He prioritized teaching underserved students of color interviewing skills, resume writing, ACT/SAT preparation, career planning, and hours of mental health counseling to get them through this critical stage of their lives. His students have since received over $500,000.00 in college scholarships during his tenure. As our impact grew with lower socioeconomic students and the community, we decided as a company to partner with local nonprofits, local public school districts, and community leaders to help homeless students succeed in school and provide food, clothing, and extra supplemental services. We are proud to have served over 3,000 underserved students in Central Florida.



We are proud of the following accomplishments in our nine-year history:

  • Partnered with legendary author Mary Pope Osborne and delivered 4,195 Magic Tree House books worth $30,000.00 to 25 underserved Title I schools.

  • Partnered with the legendary online platform MasterClass to offer No-Cost Annual Memberships to access online classes taught by the best in education, arts and entertainment, writing, business, food, home and lifestyle, music, sports and gaming, and more to educators instructing underserved students.

  • Provided $58,000.00 worth of books to schools to provide Classroom Libraries to support Summer Literacy and Academic Acceleration, which impacted 3,000 students.

  • Wrote over $350,000,000.00 in foundation grants to nonprofits and private schools across the state to support low-income students.

  • Provided 500 backpacks and back-to-school supplies to underserved students and schools for the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year.

  • Provided 500 Online Libraries to elementary, middle, and high-school students so they can access thousands of popular and award-winning eBook titles for free courtesy of our partnership with Open eBooks.

  • Provided $10,000.00 worth of STEM kits, materials, and teacher resources to thirteen incredible private schools that educate underserved and often forgotten students in Central Florida for summer programming.

  • Delivered (75) SAT, (75) ACT, and (50) PERT Test Prep Study Guides (200 Total Books Valued at $6,000.00) to underserved high-school students across Central Florida.

  • Completed and delivered our 2024 Literacy, STEM, and High-Quality Materials Project, which impacted 966 students from seven incredible schools and one innovative after-school STEM program. This project provided 864 Pencils, 316 Books, 120 Workbooks, 36 Erasers, 27 STEM Kits, 11 Literacy Kits, 5 PE/Recess Kits, which contain 54 Balls and 35 Games, and 1 Math School-Wide Software License to help close learning gaps and address students' academic and youth development needs.

  • Partnered with Gatorland Orlando to give underserved students a field trip experience without having to leave their campus. Four summer programs had a chance to learn about, see, and pet a baby alligator, a bearded dragon, a rose-hued tarantula, an emperor scorpion, and a small ball python.

  • Provided four private schools, backpacks, and supplies for every enrolled student, which will impact over 600 underserved students.

  • Selected seven incredible private schools, impacting 650 students from underserved communities, and delivered 448 Culturally Appropriate Literacy Books, 35 STEM Kits, 28 Literacy Kits, 28 Literacy Workbooks for struggling reading focusing on High-Frequency Words, 35 Math Manipulative Kits, 42 Math Workbooks with over 2,000 Practice Exercises each,  and 70 Workbooks for all subject areas (Phonics, Spelling, Reading, Language Arts, Math < Algebra, Fractions, Geometry, Decimals>, Science, History, Social Science, Critical Thinking, Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Writing) with over 2,500 Practice Exercises each.


Appreciative Inquiry

Foster Grants and Giving is an official Appreciative Inquiry Organization that utilizes this transformational change model to foster meaningful dialogue around our strengths and successes through generative questions that explore the ideal. Our organization builds new skills in students and schools, develops new leaders, encourages a culture of inquiry, and helps create a shared vision and purpose by building on schools that educate underserved student’s values and strengths.


Mission Statement

Our mission is "Helping the Helpers," which means providing support and resources to organizations and individuals who educate and assist students, directly engaging the community, and providing direct programming to foster hope and guidance.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to create a future where every individual, regardless of background, has access to quality education, fostering personal growth and community well-being while creating a ripple effect of positive change, influencing the lives of individuals, and enhancing the community's overall well-being.​



Rashaan Foster, MABC, CNP, CNE, CDE, CNC


  • A twenty-year impactful educator with positions such as an English Teacher, Guidance Counselor, and Administrator.


  • Twenty-five years of coaching experience, a two-time, back-to-back 2013-2014/2014-2015 Florida Christian Conference State Championship High School Girls Basketball coach, and over 25 Youth/AAU championships.

  • 104-25 Overall Record as a Head Coach 80.62% (Winning Percentage).


Grants Professional

  • Over $350,000,000.00 in funded grants for his clients, which primarily consist of school districts, private schools, churches, and smaller-budget nonprofits.

  • Wrote and managed $245,000,000.00 in ESSER I (CARES), ESSER II (CARES), and ESSER III (ARP) grants for a Florida School District.


President/Founder, Foster Grants and Giving Inc. (Nonprofit)

  • Runs comprehensive programming, which supports literacy and remediation programs throughout our community for underserved students while providing evidence-based, intensive outside-the-school-day learning opportunities and summer enrichment for our students by providing tutoring services, books, STEM kits, high-quality materials, college prep services, on-campus field trips to after-school and summer programs, high-impact reading interventions and targeted supports, targeted mathematics and expansion experiential activities, and feeding programs.



  • Andersonville Theological Seminary – Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling (Magna Cum Laude)

  • Ashworth College – Bachelor's in Early Childhood Education (Cum Laude)

  • Valencia College – Small Business Management Specialization Associate Degree


  • Conversations Worth Having Institute – Conversation Bootcamp Certification

  • Conversations Worth Having Institute – Strategic Conversation Bootcamp Certification

  • Center for Appreciative Inquiry – Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry Certification

  • Career Learning Nonprofits/Nonprofit Web Advisor – Operations Management for Nonprofits Certification

  • University of South Florida – Modern Management Tools Certification

  • Nonprofit Leadership Alliance – Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) Credentialed

  • Career Learning Nonprofits/Nonprofit Web Advisor – ChatGPT for Nonprofits Certification

  • National Association of Nonprofit Organizations and Executives (NANOE) – Certified Nonprofit Executive (CNE) Credentialed

  • National Association of Nonprofit Organizations and Executives (NANOE) – Certified Development Executive (CDE) Credentialed

  • National Association of Nonprofit Organizations and Executives (NANOE) – Certified Nonprofit Consultant (CNC) Credentialed

  • University of Central Florida – Counseling for College Prep Certification

  • Nonprofit Leadership Alliance – Designing Nonprofit Programs Certification

  • Grants Magic U – Ultimate Grant Proposal Blueprint 2023 Certification

  • United States Department of Labor – Rating and Documenting Evaluative Feedback for Grant Applications Course Certification

  • United States Department of Education – Being an Effective Peer Reviewer Course Certification

  • University of Central Florida – Nonprofit Marketing Certification

  • Career Learning Nonprofits/Nonprofit Web Advisor – Program Evaluation (Defining and Measuring Outcomes for Ongoing Improvement) Certification

  • Career Learning Nonprofits/Nonprofit Web Advisor – Nonprofit Program Design and Implementation Certification

  • University of Central Florida – Advanced Grant Proposal Writing Certification

  • University of Central Florida – Fundamentals of Supervision Management Certification

  • Technical Writer HQ – Grant Writing Certification

  • ROI Institute – Program/Project Evaluation Certified

  • ROI Institute – Return on Investment (ROI) Methodology Master Course Completion

  • University of Central Florida – Nonprofit Fundraising Essentials Certification

  • University of Central Florida – Nonprofit Management Certification

  • University of Central Florida – Grant Writing Certification

  • State of Florida Department of Education – Prekindergarten/Primary PK–3 Teacher Certification

  • National Private School Association – Teacher Certification (English/Reading Endorsement)



  • Florida Nonprofit Alliance

  • National Council of Nonprofits

  • Nonprofit Leadership Alliance

  • African American Development Officers (AADO) Network

  • National Association of Nonprofit Organizations and Executives (NANOE)

  • National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)

  • Grant Professionals Association

  • Central Florida Grant Professionals Association

  • Grants Collaborative of Tampa Bay

  • American Grant Writers Association

  • Project Good Work Changemakers

  • National Black Chamber of Commerce

  • Delta Epsilon Tau Honor Society

  • Florida Association of Basketball Coaches

  • Florida Grant Developers Network K-12

  • National Grants Management Association (NGMA)

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